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Хорошие фото.Мое личное мнение-оригинал без вопросов и состояние очень неплохое.Лента «новодельная»,но это «мелочи жизни».

Вы его карточку не нашли?Интересно он кадровый(все таки 1-й батальон) и у него Звезда 1914 или уже из пополнения 1915 года.

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  • 3 месяца спустя...

В субботу был аукцион.

Hammer: £25000  :loocki:


A Bar of 5 Medals
Elizabeth II Military medals and campaign service medal with 3 bars Borneo, South Arabia and Dhofar
23737722 CPL.R.H.Wilson Coldn GDS, (served with 22 SAS) also 3 Arabic medals on same bar.
Estimate: £300 - £500





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Фанат спецподразделений взял! :ph34r:

А информации о том, за что гвардеец награждён не было? 

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Нашёл в LG это награждение-1976 год ,за службу в Омане.

Видимо(и это подтверждает планка на GSM)-конец войны в Дофаре(с британской стороны участвовали подразделения SAS,гвардии и RS).



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Вот нашёл интересную ссылку по теме:


В ней есть вот такой абзац-предположу ,что награждённые непосредственные участники данного боя-в этом случае столь высокая цена на группу вполне объяснима:

"В январе 1975 правительственные войска совместно с SAS и группами SEP проводят операции в западных районах по поиску складов в местных пещерах. Частично им сопутствует успех, потерь среди SAS нет.


В сентябре того же года в те места отправился патруль SAS на поиски и нейтрализацию системы залпового огня «Катюша». Позицию засекли, в результате ближнего боя был ранен и умер младший капрал Джорди Смолл, младший капрал Тони Флемминг был ранен пулей в позвоночник, третий солдат получил ранение в шею".

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  • 2 года спустя...

Всех приветствую, подскажите по восстановлении медали "за храбрость на поле боя"

мой прадед был  ей награжден,но то-ли не получил,то-ли потеряли....

можно восстановить или нет? Куда обратиться? Или не реально?

Спасибо за совет.



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Наверное в Мин.Обороны:


Тут проблема в том, что Великобритания присылала союзнику определённое количество своих медалей(аналогично поступала РИ, отправляя союзникам свои медали и кресты). Кому и за что вручать решали уже в России-информация о награждённом, в большинстве случаев, не доводилась до учётных органов МО Великобритании.

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Всем здравствовать,пришел ответ из Британии :flag04:

Ув.Мистер ,благодарим вас за письмо по поводу награждения медалью за отвагу вашему прадеду Степану Березовскому во время Первой мировой войны. Я могу подтвердить, что медаль на фотографии - это Военная медаль. Военная медаль присуждалась военнослужащим британской армии, а ранее и военнослужащим других стран Содружества, нижних чинов за храбрость на поле боя. Награды Gallantry Awards были опубликованы в виде списков имен в London Gazette, записи также доступны на сайте www.gazettes-online.co.uk и могут содержать дополнительную информацию. Вы можете попытаться получить копию его награды, хотя многие ссылки на военные медали, выданные за службу во время Первой мировой войны, не сохранились. Все сохранившиеся цитаты будут храниться в Национальном архиве. 
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Адрес: Департамент консультаций и документации, Национальный архив, Раскин-авеню, Кью, Ричмонд, Суррей, TW9 4DU, тел .: 020 8876 3444 www.nationalarchives.gov.uk. 
Приглашаем вас посетить этот офис, чтобы провести бесплатное личное исследование, но если это возможно. Если невозможно, отдел консультаций и документации предоставит список независимых исследователей, чтобы вы могли организовать его проведение исследования от вашего имени за плату. Если вы не можете посетить Кью, вам может помочь большая городская библиотека. Сожалею, что Медальонная палата Минобороны не может заменить медали за отвагу, которые были вручены за службу в годы Первой мировой войны. Полноразмерные и миниатюрные копии медалей можно приобрести у известного продавца медалей или в частной компании, производящей медали. Для получения дополнительной информации об известных продавцах медалей в вашем районе, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с местным отделением Королевского британского легиона. Вы также можете проверить «Желтые страницы», Интернет или прочитать рекламу в журнале «Солдат», который может быть доступен в вашей местной библиотеке. 
С уважением, Рэйчел Раннеллз,( Honours & Awards)
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Ожидаемый ответ. С Национальным Архивом в Кью связываться бесполезно-как я и писал выше, вероятность того, что им из России прислали список награждённых почти нулевая. Но даже если прислали, то он был на русском языке и только Бог знает как они записали фамилию вашего прадеда на латинице. 

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  • 6 месяцев спустя...

Yoing или всё таки как на фото - Young? Утоните, а то искать по неправильной фамилии - попусту тратить время.

Посмотрите вот тут:


Я по быстрому посмотрел сам,но... в списках батальона ни W.Young ,ни W.Yoing не нашёл. Странно.Попозже покопаюсь.


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Вот его Medal card.ММ там точно должна быть отражена. Правда номер батальона в аннотации не указан. Предлагаю купить её и выставить в тему-это поможет разобраться.


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Можно не покупать-в превью всё видно. Действительно награждён рядовой 427294 William Young из 28 пехотного батальона CEF. Газета от 11 октября 1916 года. Будем её искать.


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А вот и LG. В общем огромном списке награждённых ММ за боевые действия на различных фронтах ПМВ летом 1916 года.

Предположу, что конкретно W.Young награждён за Mont Sorrel(02-13.06.1916) или, вероятнее всего, за Somme(01.07-18.11.1916)-28-й батальон принимал активное участие в этих сражениях.



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Информация по приложенным бумагам-Lieutenant-Colonel J.F.L. Embury, CMG, командовал батальоном с 29 мая 1915 г. по 17 сентября 1916 г.(видимо он и представил Уильяма Янга к ММ), а майор A. Ross,получил DSO и став Lieutenant-Colonel командовал батальоном с 17 сентября 1916 г. по 1 октября 1918 г.


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На ММ редко встретишь конкретное описание за что получена-это не DCM.Есть вероятность, что описание есть в Roll. Причём конкретном-они, обычно, по полкам - награждений много.

На том ресурсе, что я представил выше ,к сожалению, нет MM Rolls of Honour для 28-го батальона. 


На eBay продаются в электронном виде MM Rolls of Honour для разных полков-поспрашивайте у Продавцов про 28-й канадский пехотный батальон CEF или вообще на CEF.




Опять же предположение-судя по фото, на момент награждения, рядовой W.Young входил в состав HQ-вероятнее всего был вестовым, денщиком или писарем. Вестовых чаще всего награждали за доставку важного сообщения под огнём противника(как в фильме "1917"), денщиков - за спасение раненого офицера. Писари награждали себя сами :spiteful: -шутка ;) .

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  • 1 месяц спустя...

Hi t34,


Another interesting character! Although I’ve pinned down the actual date of the action for which Young was decorated with the M.M., I’ve not been able to locate a citation in the available Battalion, Brigade or Divisional War Diaries.  


15/09/1893 – William Young is born in the United Kingdom: according to his army service record, his place of birth was the County of Dumfries (i.e. Dumfriesshire), Scotland; according to his death registration, he was born in the County Borough of Liverpool, England.


17/06/1915 – William Young, a farmer, of Saskatoon, Province of Saskatchewan, enlists into the Canadian Expeditionary Force (C.E.F.) at Regina, Province of Saskatchewan, Dominion of Canada, and is posted to the 46th (South Saskatchewan) Battalion, C.E.F. with regimental number ‘A27294’ (the letter prefix later being changed to ‘4’).


04/09/1915 - 427294 Private William Young, 2nd Reinforcing Draft, 46th (South Saskatchewan) Battalion, C.E.F., embarks on board the troopship H.M.T. Missanabie at Montreal, Province of Quebec, bound for Plymouth, United Kingdom.


Units of the C.E.F. still in training in Canada provided replacements to the C.E.F. in Europe through the system of ‘reinforcing drafts’. The 46th (South Saskatchewan) Battalion provided two such infantry drafts, in July and September of 1915, each draft comprising five officers and 250 ‘Other Ranks’. The remainder of the regiment finally embarked for the United Kingdom in October, 1915.


13/09/1915427294 Private William Young, 2nd Reinforcing Draft, 46th (South Saskatchewan) Battalion, C.E.F., disembarks from the troopship H.M.T. Missanabie, at Plymouth.


14/09/1915 - 427294 Private William Young, 2nd Reinforcing Draft, 46th (South Saskatchewan) Battalion, C.E.F., is transferred to the 32nd Reserve Battalion, Canadian Training Division, C.E.F., at Shorncliffe Camp, County of Kent.


07/12/1915 - 427294 Private William Young, 32nd Reserve Battalion, Canadian Training Division, C.E.F., is transferred on draft to the 28th (Northwest) Battalion, 6th Canadian Infantry Brigade, 2nd Canadian Division, Canadian Corps, C.E.F.


08/12/1915 - 427294 Private William Young, 28th (Northwest) Battalion, C.E.F., arrives at the ‘Canadian Base Depôt’ (C.B.D.) at Le Havre, département of Seine-Inférieure, France.


24/12/1915 - 427294 Private William Young, 28th (Northwest) Battalion, C.E.F., leaves the ‘Canadian Base Depôt’ (C.B.D.) at Le Havre.


31/12/1915 - 427294 Private William Young, 28th (Northwest) Battalion, C.E.F., arrives at his Battalion, in the front line south of Ypres, Province of West Flanders, Belgium.


06/04/1916427294 Private William Young, 28th (Northwest) Battalion, C.E.F., performs the action for which he receives the M.M. (date, but no other detail, is given in ‘Proceedings on Discharge’ completed in February 1917).


On the night of 3rd an 4th April, 1916, the Canadian Corps relieved the British formations holding the front line at St Eloi, south of Ypres. A British subterranean mine, detonated on 27th March, had created a new topography between the two front lines, with seventeen new waterlogged craters superimposed on the old, the ground full of shell-holes and derelict trenches. As both sides vied for control of this broken ground, the Germans began a concentrated bombardment of the craters on the 4th & 5th April, killing hundreds of Canadian troops. However, this was only preparatory to a determined German attack on the 5th & 6th April, which pushed the Canadians back. The 28th (Northwest) Battalion was moved up from Brigade reserve to the centre of the support line, the shell-wrecked village of Voormezeele.


Over the evening of the 6th April, and during the next day, the 28th Bn entered the craters and heroically counter-attacked, but failed to recapture the craters lost to the Germans. However, the Battalion formed attacking parties to reach isolated pockets of men from the other battalions of the 6th Brigade, who still held their ground. The units of the 6th Brigade, including the 28th Bn, were relieved on the 8th April. Ultimately, the Germans would control the craters until 1917. The intense action, lasting from the 27th March to 16th April, is now designated the ‘Actions of St Eloi Craters’.  


30/06/1916 - 427294 Private William Young, 28th (Northwest) Battalion, C.E.F., is attached to a cable party of 2nd Canadian Divisional Signal Company, Canadian Engineers, C.E.F.


19/08/1916 - 427294 Private William Young, 28th (Northwest) Battalion, attached to a cable party of 2nd Canadian Divisional Signal Company, Canadian Engineers, C.E.F., ceases to be attached, and rejoins his Battalion.


15/09/1916 - 427294 Private William Young, 28th (Northwest) Battalion, C.E.F., is severely wounded in action at Courcelette, département of the Somme, France. He sustains a gunshot wound in the left leg, the bullet entering the thigh and exiting above the knee, severing the external popliteal nerve, causing left foot drop.


Subsequent to being wounded, Private Young spends one week in a Base Hospital at Camiers, département of Pas-de-Calais, France.


23/09/1916427294 Private William Young, 28th (Northwest) Battalion, C.E.F., is evacuated to the United Kingdom.


24/09/1916 - 427294 Private William Young, 28th (Northwest) Battalion, C.E.F., is admitted to the King George Hospital, Metropolitan Borough of Lambeth, County of London, and simultaneously transferred to the Canadian Casualty Assembly Centre’ (C.C.A.C.).


The C.C.A.C. was established in the United Kingdom in May 1916 as a new unit, to which all C.E.F. casualties evacuated from the Western Front would be transferred on their admission to hospital. The size of the C.C.A.C. can be gauged from the fact that in October 1916 alone, 13,000 men were transferred into and out of the unit.


03/10/1916 - 427294 Private William Young, C.C.A.C., C.E.F., is seriously ill at the King George Hospital, and undergoes surgery: the lesion of the external popliteal nerve is sutured, and the leg then placed at rest.


11/10/1916 - 427294 Private William Young, C.C.A.C., C.E.F., is awarded the ‘Military Medal’ (M.M.) for ‘bravery in the field’ whilst serving with the 28th (Northwest) Battalion, C.E.F.


Source: ‘The London Gazette’ (Second Supplement to issue of 10/10/1916), no. 29780, 11/10/1916, p. 9839


18/11/1916 – The award of the M.M. to 427294 Private William Young appears in Brigade Orders, 6th Canadian Infantry Brigade, abstracted from the 2nd Canadian Divisional Routine Orders of the same day.


Source: War Diary, 6th Canadian Infantry Brigade, November 1916: Appendix 2, Brigade Orders, 18/11/1916.


21/12/1916 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., C.C.A.C., C.E.F., is removed from the ‘Seriously Ill List’ at the King George Hospital.


01/01/1917 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., C.C.A.C., C.E.F., is admitted to the ‘Canadian Convalescent Hospital’, Municipal Borough of Bromley, County of Kent.


02/01/1917 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., C.C.A.C., C.E.F., is admitted to ‘Edmonton Military Hospital’, Edmonton Urban District, County of Middlesex.


03/01/1917 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., C.C.A.C., C.E.F., is admitted to the ‘Granville Canadian Special Hospital’, Municipal Borough of Ramsgate, County of Kent.


12/01/1917427294 Private William Young, M.M., C.C.A.C., C.E.F., is assessed by a Standing Medical Board at ‘Granville Canadian Special Hospital’, and his discharge from the C.E.F. is approved.


02/02/1917 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., C.C.A.C., is discharged from Granville Canadian Special Hospital, Ramsgate, and transferred to the ‘Canadian Discharge Depôt’, (C.D.C.) preparatory to repatriation to Canada for discharge from the C.E.F.  


02/02/1917 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., C.D.C., C.E.F., embarks on board the troopship H.M.T. Missanabie, bound for Canada.


11/02/1917 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., ‘H’ Unit, Military Hospitals Commission of Canada (M.H.C.C.), is at St Chad’s Convalescent Home, No. 12 Military District, Regina, Province of Saskatchewan, Dominion of Canada.


11/06/1917 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., ‘H’ Unit, M.H.C.C., is assessed by a Medical Board held at Moose Jaw, Province of Saskatchewan, as being physically fit for overseas service, Class A3. Private Young had regained sensation in his left leg during March, 1917.


18/06/1917 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., ‘H’ Unit, M.H.C.C., is transferred to the ‘95th Saskatchewan Rifles’, Canadian Defence Force (C.D.F.), and is posted to the regiment’s ‘C.E.F.’ Company at Regina, Saskatchewan.


In April 1917, the Canadian government reorganised the home defence structure of the Dominion, with 48 existing regiments of the ‘Active Militia’ now becoming units of a new formation, the ‘Canadian Defence Force’ (C.D.F.).  An active recruitment campaign was undertaken to enlist those men unable to volunteer for overseas service, and although offering a lower rate of pay, it was intended that in most other respects, such as terms of enlistment, uniform and equippage, the C.D.F. would mirror the C.E.F.


21/07/1917 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., ‘C.E.F.’ Company, ‘95th Saskatchewan Rifles’, C.D.F., is transferred to the ‘Canadian Forestry Corps’ (C.F.C.), and posted to ‘No. 12 Forestry Draft’ at Prince Albert, Province of Saskatchewan.


From July, 1917, each Military District within Canada was to form a C.F.C. Forestry Depôt Company, to train reinforcements for C.F.C. units in Europe. ‘No. 12 Forestry Draft’ was the single wartime reinforcement draft trained and despatched by the C.F.C. Forestry Depôt of No. 12 Military District (i.e. Province of Saskatchewan).


11/08/1917 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., No. 12 Forestry Draft, C.F.C., embarks on board the troopship H.M.T. Grampian at Halifax, Province of Nova Scotia, Dominion of Canada, bound for Liverpool, United Kingdom.


23/08/1917 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., No. 12 Forestry Draft, C.F.C., disembarks from the troopship H.M.T. Grampian, at Liverpool, and is posted to ‘Base Depôt C.F.C.’ (B.D.C.F.C.), C.E.F., Civil Parish of Sunningdale, County of Berkshire, United Kingdom.


21/09/1917 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., B.D.C.F.C., C.E.F., is posted to No. 76 Company, No. 10 District, Marne Group, C.F.C., C.E.F., in France.


23/09/1917 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., No. 76 Company, C.F.C., C.E.F., disembarks at Le Havre, département of Seine-Inférieure, France.


23/09/1917 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., No. 76 Company, C.F.C., C.E.F., is appointed Acting Serjeant.


05/11/1917 - 427294 Private (A/Sjt) William Young, M.M., No. 76 Company, C.F.C., C.E.F., is deprived of the appointment of Acting Serjeant for being absent without leave.


16/11/1917 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., No. 76 Company, C.F.C., C.E.F., is appointed Acting Corporal.


08/01/1918 - 427294 Private (A/Cpl) William Young, M.M., No. 76 Company, C.F.C., C.E.F., is deprived of the appointment of Acting Corporal for being absent without leave.


09/09/1918 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., No. 76 Company, C.F.C., C.E.F., is punished with seven days’ ‘Field Punishment, No. 2’ for being absent without leave.


15/11/1918 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., No. 76 Company, C.F.C., C.E.F., is granted 14 days’ leave to Paris.


29/11/1918 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., No. 76 Company, C.F.C., C.E.F., rejoins his unit, from leave.


16/12/1918 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., No. 76 Company, C.F.C., C.E.F., is posted to the ‘Base Depôt C.F.C.’ (B.D.C.F.C.), Civil Parish of Sunningdale, County of Berkshire, United Kingdom.


15/01/1919 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., B.D.C.F.C., C.E.F., is attached to the ‘Canadian Concentration Camp’ (C.C.C.) at Kinmel Park, County of Clwyd, for repatriation to Canada.


15/02/1919 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., B.D.C.F.C. attd. C.C.C., C.E.F., is transferred to Casualty Company, No. 12 Military District Depôt, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, and embarks on board the troopship H.M.T. Canada, bound for Halifax, Canada.


25/02/1919 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., Casualty Company, No. 12 Military District Depôt, disembarks at Halifax, Canada.


18/03/1919 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., Casualty Company, No. 12 Military District Depôt, is posted to the Discharge Section, No. 12 District Depôt.


19/03/1919 - 427294 Private William Young, M.M., Discharge Section, No. 12 Military District Depôt, is discharged from the C.E.F., being ‘Medically Unfit’ due to wounds.


21/02/1978 – William Young, M.M., dies of pulmonary oedema and viral pneumonia at Port Alberni, Province of British Columbia, Canada.


27/02/1978 – William Young, M.M., is cremated at Cedar, Province of British Columbia, Canada.




The sources of the newspaper clippings below are, from left to right: 


'The Saskatoon Daily Star' (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada) - Wed, 21 Feb 1917, p13


'The Saskatoon Phoenix' (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada) - Wed, 21 Feb 1917, p3




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  • 2 недели спустя...

Thanks t34!


A pleasure, as always!


Each man's history is a new challenge, and these men deserve that their stories be told!


Best wishes!



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Медаль выглядит нормально. Подпись левая. Более того, не нахожу награждения MM 1077 Bloor ни в LG, ни в архиве (в архиве есть 1915 трио).

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Если бы награждение подтверждалось, то могло быть заменой самим награжденным утраченной или поврежденной медали.

В другом случае - множество различных ничем не подтвержденных предположений.

В любом случае, вещь не аутентичная, не коллекционная.

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Hi t34,


A similar enquiry regarding this medal appeared on another forum about 5 years ago . . . it was mentioned that the sales catalogue of the original auction where this was purchased in 2015, and the listing on ebay when the medal was subsequently sold again, described this decoration as being ‘engraved’ and ‘renamed’.


3/1077 Corporal, later Serjeant, Frederick S. Bloor, 1st Battalion, ‘The King’s Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry)’, first arrived in France & Flanders on 21/04/1915. He was wounded in October, 1915. He was discharged into the Class ‘Z’ Reserve on14/02/1919. I cannot find his name as a recipient of the M.M. in ‘The London Gazette’, nor does he appear in ‘For Bravery in the Field: Great War British Army Recipients of the Military Medal 1914-1920 - a Register’, published by Naval & Military Press.




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Награждение отражено в LG от 24 апреля 1917 года (page 3947). Вечером посмотрю на каком участке фронта воевала указанная батарея в конце 1916 - начале 1917 года-будет ясно за участие в каком сражении награждён. С конкретикой мы вряд ли определимся.Это же ММ-награда «массовая» , описания подвига в LG нет-общий список.Хотя , в принципе, предположить можно - RFA это полевая артиллерия,ВЕСЬ расчёт "работает" на передовой, Driver мог заменить убитого/раненого в расчёте, быть самому раненым, но продолжать вести огонь, мог под огнем врага доставлять снаряды.
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366-я батарея RFA воевала в составе CXLVI бригады RFA 28-й пехотной дивизии. Последняя с января 1916 по октябрь 1917 года находилась на ТВД Салоники(Греция). Осенью 1916 года принимала участие во взятии Barakli Jum’a. Следующая крупная операция на указанном фронте уже май.


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RFA это полевая артиллерия,ВЕСЬ расчёт "работает" на передовой, Driver мог заменить убитого/раненого в расчёте, быть самому раненым, но продолжать вести огонь, 

Аргументы в пользу указанной версии. Вот его личные карточки из архива:



В первой подтверждается награждение ММ, а во второй имеется информация о том, что William Morran не всё время был Driver-войу он закончил Lance Bombardier!

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 Интересно было бы узнать его дальнейшую судьбу. Ведь война не закончилась в 1916 году. 

Эту информацию только Chris сможет найти!

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  • 3 недели спустя...

Hi all,


Another interesting chap, a pre-war regular who timed it just right to spend most of his Army Reserve service on active duty !! 


June 1888 - William Morran born in the market town of Strathaven, in the civil parish of Avondale, County of Lanark (ie Lanarkshire), Scotland. Son of Andrew Owen Morran, a coachbuilder, and Jessie Morran ( née Wilson).


24/07/1907 - William Morran enlists at Glasgow into the 'Royal Horse Artillery & Royal Field Artillery' branch (RH & RFA) of the 'Royal Regiment of Artillery', on a 'Short Service' attestation, ie 6 years with the 'Colors', and 6 years in the Army Reserve. At enlistment, he gives his occupation as 'Labourer'.


At enlistment, William Morran stated current service with the 'Volunteer Force', namely the '1st Lanarkshire Royal Garrison Artillery (Volunteers)', headquartered in the County of the City of Glasgow.


31/07/1907 - 47413 Gunner William Morran, Royal Regiment of Artillery (RH & RFA), is posted to No. 3 Depôt, RFA, at Seaforth Barracks, Urban District of Waterloo with Seaforth, Lancashire.


17/10/1907 - 47413 Gunner William Morran, No. 3 Depôt, RFA, is posted to 72nd Battery, XXXVIII Brigade, RFA, 6th Division, Eastern Command, at the garrison town and Municipal Borough of Colchester, county of Essex.


13/04/1908 - 47413 Gunner William Morran, 72nd Battery, RFA, is awarded the Third Class Certificate of Education, on the recommendation of an Inspector of Army Schools.


05/26/1908 - 47413 Gunner William Morran, 72nd Battery, RFA, is posted to 99th Battery, XX Brigade, RFA, 4th Division, Eastern Command, at Colchester.


17/09/1908 - 47413 Gunner William Morran, 99th Battery, RFA, embarks for service in India, and is posted to 25th Battery, XLVI Brigade, RFA, Jubbulpore Brigade, 5th (Mhow) Division, Southern Army, British Army in India ... The Battery is stationed at Kamptee Cantonment, Nagpur District, Central Provinces, British India.


In December, 1908, XLVI Brigade, RFA, joined the Nasirabad Brigade of the 5 th (Mhow) Division, and the 25th Battery moved to Neemuch Cantonment, in the Mandasor District of Gwalior State (a semi-autonomous 'princely state', under the political supervision of the 'Central India Agency', which answered directly to the Governor-General of India).


08/10/1910 - 47413 Gunner William Morran, 25th Battery, XLVI Brigade, RFA, is mustered in the rank of 'Driver'.


In January, 1913, XLVI Brigade, RFA, was transferred to the 3rd (Lahore) Division of the Northern Army. Of the three batteries in the Brigade, two (including the 25th Battery) became divisional artillery, and were stationed at Lahore Cantonment, Lahore District, Lahore [Administrative] Division, Punjab Province, British India


On 01/08/1913, XLVI Brigade, RFA, is redesignated as XXXV Brigade, RFA


10/12/1913 - 47413 Gunner William Morran, 25th Battery, XXXV Brigade, RFA, qualifies as a 'Signaller'.


09/01/1914 - 47413 Gunner William Morran, 25th Battery, XXXV Brigade, RFA, disembarks at Portsmouth, United Kingdom, for transfer to the Army Reserve.


10/01/1914 - 47413 Driver William Morran, 25th Battery, XXXV Brigade, RFA, is transferred to Section 'B', Army Reserve. His conduct and character during his 'Color' service is described thus: “Very Good. Accustomed to the care of horses, and a good groom ”.


05/08/1914 - 47413 Driver William Morran, Royal Regiment of Artillery (RH & RFA), Section 'B', Army Reserve, is mobilized at Glasgow, and posted to 146th Battery, VI Reserve Brigade, RFA, No. 1 District, Scottish Command. The Brigade is based in Glasgow, at No. 6 Depôt, RFA


08/13/1914 - 47413 Driver William Morran, 146th Battery, VI Reserve Brigade, RFA, is posted to 67th Battery, I Brigade, RFA, Scottish Command, at Edinburgh.


18/10/1914 - 47413 Driver William Morran, 67th Battery, I Brigade, RFA, is posted to 5 B Reserve Brigade, RFA, Irish Command, at the artillery station and town of Ballincollig, Cork Rural District, County Cork.


29.12.1914 - 47413 Driver William Morran, 5 Brigade Reserve Bed and, the RFA, is posted to 367th Battery, CXLVI Brigade, the RFA, 28Th Division, stationed in the Municipal then Borough of Winchester,, Hampshire You.


18/01/1915 - 47413 Driver William Morran, 367th Battery, CXLVI Brigade, RFA, 28th Division, embarks with his Battery at Southampton on board the steamship SS Matheran , bound for the seaport of Le Havre, département of Seine-Inférieure, France ...


19/01/1915 - 47413 Driver William Morran, 367th Battery, CXLVI Brigade, RFA, 28th Division, disembarks with his Battery from SS Matheran , at Le Havre.


On arrival in France, 28th Division became a formation of V Corps, Second Army, 'British Expeditionary Force' (BEF).


11/17/1915 - 47413 Driver William Morran, 367th Battery, CXLVI Brigade, RFA, 28th Division, BEF, embarks with his battery at the city and seaport of Marseilles, département of Bouches-du-Rhône, France, for the 'Mediterranean Expeditionary Force '(MEF) at Salonika, Macedonia region, Greece.


On 19/10/1915, the 28th Division was ordered to prepare to embark for Salonika, where it would become a formation of the MEF All formations and units of the Division, except for XXXI and CXLVI Brigades, RFA, sailed via Egypt, with all elements disembarked at Salonika by 04/01/1916.


11/29/1915 - 47413 Driver William Morran, 367th Battery, CXLVI Brigade, RFA, 28th Division, MEF, disembarks with his Battery at the city and seaport of Salonika.


On 11/23/1915 the designation 'Mediterranean Expeditionary Force' ceased to be used for those British and Imperial formations serving in the Dardanelles and Salonika, the titles 'Dardanelles Army' and 'British Salonika Force' being substituted, respectively. The 28th Division would become a formation of XII Corps, and later XVI Corps, BSF


12/27/1916 - 47413 Driver William Morran, 367th Battery, CXLVI Brigade, RFA, 28th Division, BSF, is posted to 366th Battery, CXLVI Brigade, RFA (on the breaking up of 367th Battery).


11/03/1917 - 47413 Driver William Morran, 366th Battery, CXLVI Brigade, RFA, 28th Division, BSF, is awarded the 'Military Medal'.


The award of the 'Military Medal' to Driver Morran, for 'bravery in the Field', was officially gazetted on 26/04/1917.


Source: 'The London Gazette' (Fourth Supplement to issue of 24/04/1917) , no. 30036, 26/04/1917, p. 3947


08/13/1917 - 47413 Driver William Morran, MM, 366th Battery, CXLVI Brigade, RFA, 28th Division, BSF, embarks at Salonika with his Brigade, bound for the city and seaport of Alexandria, Egypt.


In August 1917, CXLVI Brigade, RFA, left 28th Division, BSF, on the Brigade's transfer to the ' Egyptian Expeditionary Force' (EEF) .


17/08/1917 - 47413 Driver William Morran, MM, 366th Battery, CXLVI Brigade, RFA, EEF, disembarks at Alexandria.


09/21/1917 - 47413 Driver William Morran, MM, 366th Battery, CXLVI Brigade, RFA, EEF, is re-posted on the transfer of 366th Battery to CCLXVIII Brigade, RFA, 74th (Yeomanry) Division, EEF, and its redesignation as 'B' Battery.


The '74th (Yeomanry) Division' was raised in Egypt during February 1917, as a 'Territorial Force' (TF) formation of the ' Egyptian Expeditionary Force' (EEF). The Division comprised three infantry brigades, formed from dismounted 'Yeomanry' regiments now serving as infantry battalions. From June 1917, the Division formed part of XX Corps, EEF


In April 1918, CCLXVIII Brigade, RFA, was broken up, and 'B' Battery was transferred to CXVII Brigade, RFA, 74th (Yeomanry) Division, EEF, and resumed its designation as '366 th Battery'.


At the end of April 1918, the 74th (Yeomanry) Division began embarking at Alexandria for Marseilles, having been transferred from the EEF to the BEF, for service on the Western Front.


02/05/1918 - 47413 Driver William Morran, MM, 366th Battery, CXVII Brigade, RFA, 74th (Yeomanry) Division, EEF, embarks at Alexandria, bound for Marseilles, France.


11/05/1918 - 47413 Driver William Morran, MM, 366th Battery, CXVII Brigade, RFA, 74th (Yeomanry) Division, BEF, disembarks at Marseilles.


01/07/1918 - 47413 Driver William Morran, MM, 366th Battery, CXVII Brigade, RFA, 74th (Yeomanry) Division, BEF, marries Elizabeth Taylor, a munitions factory worker, in Glasgow, during two weeks' furlough.


09/08/1918 - 47413 Driver William Morran, MM, 366th Battery, CXVII Brigade, RFA, 74th (Yeomanry) Division, BEF, is appointed Lance-Bombardier (paid).


16/01/1919 - 47413 Lance-Bombardier William Morran, MM, 366th Battery, CXVII Brigade, RFA, 74th (Yeomanry) Division, BEF, is transferred to the Georgetown (Paisley) Dispersal Unit, Scottish Command, for demobilization.


01/17/1919 - 47413 Lance-Bombardier William Morran, MM, Royal Regiment of Artillery (RH & RFA), Georgetown (Paisley) Dispersal Unit, Scottish Command, disembarks in the United Kingdom from France.


02/14/1919 - 47413 Lance-Bombardier William Morran, MM, Royal Regiment of Artillery (RH & RFA), Georgetown (Paisley) Dispersal Unit, Scottish Command, is transferred to Section 'B', Army Reserve, on demobilization.


23.07.1919 - 47413 Lance-Bombardier William Morran, MM, Royal Regiment of Artillery (RH & RFA), Section 'B', Army Reserve, is discharged on 'termination of first period of engagement'.


04/11/1943 - William Morran, MM, foreman at a steelworks, dies of pulmonary tuberculosis in the District of Provan, County of the City of Glasgow.

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